A picture of Akhila Ariyachandra

Hi, I'm Akhila Ariyachandra

I’m a full stack web developer with a focus on creating front ends with React. I’m currently working as an Associate Technical Lead at Villvay.

My current interests in the JavaScript space are on awesome meta frameworks like Next.js and Astro.

Even though I focus most of my time on front end work, technologies like Prisma and PlanetScale keep me interested in backend work too.

I’m always on the lookout for learning and adopting bleeding edge technologies and libraries in the Web/Javascript ecosystem.

You can contact me via LinkedIn, or Twitter. You can also check my GitHub.

My Career

The company logo of Villvay

Associate Technical Lead

August 2023 - Present (9 months)

Overhauled the front-end development process for all projects at Villvay introducing standards and quality checks such as ESLint and Prettier and standardizing library use among projects such as using libraries like TanStack Query for async state management.

Currently working on migrating a legacy React site codebase to a newer one using TypeScript, Next.js, React Server Components, TanStack Query, Tailwind CSS and Turborepo.

The company logo of Villvay

Senior Software Engineer

April 2021 - July 2023 (2 years, 3 months)

Worked on a vehicle service booking appointment system for Infomedia. I was in charge of two front-end projects, one for customers to select their vehicle and services, and book an appointment, and another project for the employees at the dealership to see all information related to the booked appointments. Both projects were created with React.

I was also part of the implementation of the Villvay company website redesign with Next.js.

The company logo of IFS Sri Lanka

Software Engineer

IFS Sri Lanka
March 2019 - April 2021 (2 years)

Was part of IFS Consulting where I worked on customizing the IFS ERB for different customers based on their needs. I also worked on upgrading customers’ installed IFS applications to newer versions.

The company logo of Villvay

Software Engineer

July 2018 - March 2019 (8 months)

Created and maintained the mobile version of a volunteer platform called Gudppl where users can create events that they require volunteers for and other users can pledge to it. The mobile application was built with React Native and Redux.

The company logo of Villvay

Associate Software Engineer

January 2018 - July 2018 (6 months)

Created and maintained the mobile version of a volunteer platform called Gudppl where users can create events that they require volunteers for and other users can pledge to it. The mobile application was built with React Native and Redux.

The company logo of SriLankan Airlines

Intern Software Engineer

SriLankan Airlines
June 2016 - December 2016 (6 months)

Contributed to developing their internal content management system which was created with .NET, C#, jQuery, and Microsoft SQL Server.